The most successful not-for-profit organizations have developed strategies for maximization of people, company, and funding resources. Investment in talent is a crucial success component. Part of that talent investment would be in the form of Board Governance training. Does your board understand their roles? Have strategies been developed to best position your organization?
The following are seven ways your organization can benefit from board governance training.
1.) Provide your organization with a clear understanding of their role and scope of impact.
Roles can be confusing at times especially, as responsibilities shift. Investing in your board’s development will help members work together to develop a strategic plan.
2.) Help you build your team. By going through the training together, it can help you better collaborate by providing an opportunity to communicate outside of regular meetings with a less structured environment.
3.) It ensures board members are using reasonable care, skill, and diligence. Directors have legal duties to use reasonable care, expertise, and diligence. Keeping the board informed ensures that they can better serve your organization.
4.) Show that the organization values continued learning. The tone and culture of an organization start with its leadership. It’s the leadership’s responsibility to provide clear direction and set a tone for continued education. It’s also their role and the role of the organization to keep activities and processes safe and legal while complying with all regulations.

5.) Keep your board motivated and keep them growing in their roles. Investing in your organization shows your commitment to their success which can increase loyalty and their desires to help reach organizational goals.
6.) It builds trust because boards that take the time to train their organizations and focus on continued learning can provide more in-depth learning experiences. Opportunities to communicate will help enhance team performance and innovation.
7.) Prepare your organization for the future by performing evaluations of the organization’s skills and identify gaps. Once gaps are identified, a plan must be put into to place to address them inclusive of board governance training to bring the organization up to speed and have more of a competitive advantage.
In summary, it’s the responsibility of the board to make sure that a nonprofit is fulfilling its purpose and moving forward with strategies. The board will need to continue to advance in its mission and to implement change in the community. Board governance training is pertinent to that success.